Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Palm Springs Mini Vacation

We are very blessed that Ryan's side of the family has a home out in Indian Wells (Palm Springs).  Every now and then, we pack up the boys, drive a couple of hours and spend some time being lazy in the sun, swimming and just enjoying a slower pace of life. 

This last weekend, we retreated to this same home, and we had a wonderful time.  Because we have season passes to Knott's, Cedar Fair Parks, and any affiliated water parks, we took three trips to Knott's Soak City in Palm Springs. 

Carter bravely went down the "big" water slides that made even mommy's heart beat faster--he is over 42 inches, so he could go on almost anything there.  He is an amazing swimmer and a natural risk taker when it comes to fast thrills like water slides and roller coasters.  At under 5 and 1/2, he has been on Space Mountain, the Matterhorn, Thunder Mountain, the white water rapids ride, Tower of Terror and many other roller coasters multiple times.  Since he was old enough to talk, he has been obsessed with rides--the faster the better!

Micah is going to be just like his brother.  He howled in protest that he couldn't climb the big hill at the water park and go down the big slides like Carter, but he was partially content in the fact he could go on the "grommie" slides for the younger kids.  He hopped down them without hesitation, and I would catch him at the bottom as he slid to near the water.

We enjoyed many afternoons just lounging by the pool, which is steps outside the back of the house. 


The weather was unusually cool, with most days staying in the mid 80's, so we ventured to several parks as well.  Our favorite park was Civic Center Park in Palm Desert, which had a lake, hundreds of ducks and turtles, acres of grass and an expanse of playground, including a water spraying rainbow and flowers. 



If you ever go on vacation in Palm Springs, we highly recommend the Children's Museum and the Living Desert Zoo as well--great adventures with young kids.  This trip out, we were saving money and tried to do some free excursions.

It was a much needed time with our family, time to just enjoy each other's company, to chat, and to have a break from the routine and stresses of home.  Enjoy the pictures!

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