Thursday, May 26, 2011

Friday Favorites: May 27th,2011

This week was rich with great ideas.  I can't wait to share some of my favorites with you! 

This is a busy time of year.  School is ending soon, and there are appreciation gifts to buy for many people.  I know it sounds less thoughtful, but I know most teachers appreciate a great gift card.  It was always a treat to have a nice dinner, a massage, movie date nights, or a shopping spree to look forward to during the summer.  Lots of teachers have similar personalities--taking care of others and not spending much money on themselves.  I never feel right about coming home with charges all for my own benefit or pleasure, but I don't mind enjoying a gift card that was given to me.  Those were my favorite when I was a teacher--just sayin in case you are planning your teacher's thank you gift . . .

In addition to school ending, Memorial Day and the 4th of July are near, so we are all planning dishes, or even hosting, for the celebrations.  Father's Day is right around the corner, and we are starting to brainstorm ideas to bless the dads in our lives. 

Some of today's ideas are helpful tips and hints for these upcoming dates on the calendar.  Enjoy the inspiration--I hope you can implement a couple of these projects!

Sun Scholars wrote a post with many really creative Father's Day gift ideas, and most of them are low cost.  I love the "Daddyland" coupon book with a play on the old Disneyland ticket books (am I dating myself that I remember those?  E ticket, please . . .), the envelope surprise idea, the Dad portrait, the movie night party bucket, and the 365 things I appreciate about you jar.  You have to take a look at these awesome ideas.
Daddyland Coupon Book

Fakin' It gave us a great idea for an affordable classmate summer gift.  Carter's class is doing this exact idea--each kid is bringing in a little token summer gift for the other 11 kids and the teacher is putting it in a beach bag she is buying for each student.  I think I just may borrow this idea.
Kool aid finished class gift

Sugarfoot Designs created a pinwheels and pearls babyshower invitation.   If you are throwing a shower sometime soon, this would be perfect!  I immediately thought of how cute this would be with a red, white and blue twist for the 4th of July.  Just use patriotic scrapbook paper and switch out the pearls for stars or patriotic confetti pieces.  Major cuteness!

Scissors and Spatulas made a summer clutch that will get many compliments.  Do you remember the darling Mod Podge shoes I shared once on Friday Favorites?  This is the same idea.  Start with a thrift store or old patent leather clutch.  Mod Podge on some darling fabric, add some flowers and voila!  I am in LOVE with the final product!

Our Seven Dwarfs is sharing her print out for her weekly chore/household work schedule.  For those of you who have read Shopping For Time and really love organization, this is a great post for you.  She also gives you a link for a chore schedule for your kids over at Running With Glitter.

The Gaines Gang shared her tween room redo.  Our house also has a travel theme in some of our decor (Ryan and I did a lot of traveling before the kids came along), so I loved this room and the travel theme.  The room is perfect for a girl entering her teens and will last well into young adulthood if wanted.

It's Always a Party at the Sparkles shared her daughter's Fancy Nancy birthday party.  Um . . . let me just say that any birthday party I have ever held looks like a joke compared to this amazing party.  This party had poodles, pastries, pink lemondade, and plenty of pink and poufs.  You won't believe the details and the thought put into this party--A-MAZ-ING!

The last 3 posts I am sharing are scrumptious recipes.  I love raw asparagus, but I have never heard of a shaved asparagus salad until I read this post by The Alchemist.  Yum!  If you need to take a special salad to a dinner or a summer celebration, this salad screams for a summer bbq. 

Speaking of salad, who likes the salads at Cafe Rio?  Yes, please.  A Mommy's Life . . . With a Touch of Yellow shared a dressing recipe that she promises tastes just like the favorite concoction at Cafe Rio.  It looks delicious, and there is nothing like a salad with homemade dressing!

Finally, Zoe's blog shared an easy way to make cinnamon rolls at home--little ones so you don't feel as guilty enjoying one.  She is from the UK, so some of the ingredients, temperatures or measurements need a slight translation, but there aren't many in this recipe.  Enjoy!


  1. Love the end of school cool gift and cupcakes…things I think I could actually make! I’ve started a Chiara file on my computer for all these great ideas!!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my Kool-Aid Class Gift. I am thrilled that you liked it!

  3. Thank you so so much for featuring my salad dressing It made my morning. You are so sweet and I am LOVING your blog!!!! I am your newest follower lady!

    A Mommy's life...with a touch of YELLOW

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my weekly house schedule! That is so very nice of you! I hope that it is helping you as well. If now, I could only stick with it!

    Jill of

  5. Thank you so much for featuring my pinwheel invitations! I think 4th of July ones would be super cute! What a great idea! New follower!
