I have had a lot of friends ask me about the Cameo--what is it? It is an electronic cutting tool, but, unlike the Cricket, it is completely off your computer. You download software and then have access to an online library of thousands of shapes, fonts, outlines, etc. Each download is about 99 cents. So, I only have to spend several dollars on one party or theme rather than buying a whole "cartridge" for 50-80 dollars with theme shapes I might only use once or twice. You can read more about the machine here.
So far, I've used only cardstock with my machine, but it cuts vinyl and fabric too. I know all three will come in really handy. I will be able to make signs and those cute baby onesie gifts lickity split!
AND, Silhouette is not endorsing me or giving me anything to talk about them. I'm not even a blip on their radar, but some bigger crafting blogs--including the Silhouette blog--are giving away free Cameos right now! Enter and see if you can win one! I am LOVING mine.
So, I haven't been posting tons of projects on my blog. I am sorry! It isn't that I'm not doing projects, but I'm busy making projects I can't share yet! I am throwing an autumn themed bridal shower on November 12th, which I can't wait to share with you--creams, whites, golds and tans will be our color scheme, with a fun appetizer bar and favor bags. I can't wait to show you! (I did preview the cream pumpkin centerpieces on the Calico and Cupcakes Facebook Page).
I am also throwing a crafting boutique--the first official sales for the Calico and Cupcakes SHOP--on November 27th! I will be posting my products as soon as I start crafting them--Christmas decor!
Oh, and, since I'm not busy (ha, HA!), I'm speaking on crafting at our church's young mom's outreach group on the 4th of November. Whew!
Somewhere in all that November craziness is my hubby's birthday. I need help. I really want to encourage him this year--he is a hardworker looking for a new job to provide for us. Does anyone have any low cost ideas for celebrating and encouraging your spouse? We have a gift card for a fun date night to celebrate, but I want to give him some really thoughtful gifts or activities. Ideas would be much appreciated!
Okay, okay. Enough "blah, blah, blah" from me. It is time for Friday Favorites! Enjoy!
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Can you believe November begins next week? Craftgossip.com shared a cute kiddie favor from Parents.com for the Thanksgiving table or for your favorite little gobbler. All you need is felt, googly eyes and a Tootsie Roll Pop.
Craftily-Ever-After.blogspot.com made pilgrim hats to decorate the Thanksgiving table. Reeses, frosting and a cookie are all you need for this cute decorative dessert.
El Mundo Reciclaje (Okay, Lucia, is that The Recycled World? My Spanish is rusty.) shared a cheap easy way to make pumpkin centerpieces. You will need a dryer vent cut into pieces, spray paint, a cinnamon stick and some Spanish Moss. So cute!

Disney Family Fun gave us a cute neighborhood scavenger hunt to do with the family on Thanksgiving. Some of the points might not apply to sunny, warm southern California, but you could write up your own fun list of things you know you could find in your neighborhood!
Okay, this has nothing to do with Thanksgiving, but monogramed balloons--can you say GENIUS!? If you have a vinyl cutter, you could use that, but this tutorial from Life in Wonderland just has you cutting out printed letters and attaching them to the balloon. What a BEAUTIFUL and personal touch for a party!

Finally, am I the only person who hasn't tried a salted caramel mocha from Starbucks? You have NO idea how much I love caramel. It has taken every ounce of diet will power to not try one. Sigh. I can enjoy perusing salted caramel recipes, though, and here are two that looked yummy!
The Greedy Gourmand made a salted caramel and vanilla baked cheesecake. Look at these pictures!
52 Kitchen Adventures shared a recipe for a salted caramel mocha. Looks. . . So . . . Good!
I'm off to San Diego with the family this weekend for a little relaxation and rest! Yahoo! I pray your weekend is blessed too!