Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Women in the Word Wednesday: PRAYER, August 10, 2011

I apologize for the delay in posting the prayer lesson I gave back in July to some women at my church.  It was just posted yesterday on the church website. 
I gave a lesson on the privelege and effectiveness of prayer.  I spoke on the need for both concentrated and conversational prayer, the excitement we need to have about the privelege of prayer, the help in structuring prayer with the acronymn ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication), the need to align our hearts to God's will, and the power and change that God can bring when it is His will to do so.

It is an easy, straightforward lesson.  You can click on the audio link and listen while browsing on your computer. 

If you click a link soon, you can merely click and then click the "play" arrow.  If you click on the link after August 2011, you will need to go to and then click on "previous sermons" on the right.  Then, browse the sermon archives.  The lesson should be called "Foundations:  Prayer Basics from July 2011" or something to that manner. 

Enjoy!  I pray this blesses you as much as it grew me in understanding prayer!

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