Thursday, July 7, 2011

Friday Favorites: July 8th, 2011

Well, I am not going to have much time to post this today.  I am teaching on prayer at Women's Bible Study on Tuesday, getting ready to lead a team of 12 volunteers and teach 100 5th and 6th graders about crafts the following week and go to Ohio for vacation immediately after.  We are going, going, going this week, folks.

So, let's get right to the great ideas . . .
We have quite a few delicious summer recipes this week . . .

Simple Simon and Company gave us a few great ideas to do with your boys this summer.  I love the gumdrops and toothpicks idea.  I think my boys might gobble up a lot of them!

The 36th Avenue made darling aprons for her daughters out of dishtowls.  This is a barely sew project even I could do.  Plus, they are yellow and blue.  I l-o-v-e yellow.

Cucumbersome gives us a tutorial to make handmade tea soaps and even gives us printouts to use if you give some as a gift.  I haven't ever made handmade soap, but I want to!  What a fun gift for the teachers and helpers when everyone goes Back to School . . . I know.  I hated when I was a teacher and people talked about Back to School in July.  That is lightyears away . . . IF and when it is Back to School. . .

This Chick Cooks made sherbet stuffed limes with chocolate chips that look like mini watermelons.  I love everything about those ingredients.  Yum!  What a cool, fun summer treat!

Kuzak's Closet had a guest post from Renee at A Work in Progress.  She gave us 3 unique and healthier recipes for kids' summer treats.  They all look delicious!

Cozy Home Scenes gives us a delicious grilled peaches recipe.  If you haven't ever grilled a peach, then you are missing out.  It is a healthy and really scrumptious treat of summer.

Nothing but Country made Mountain Dew Cupcakes.  I used to love Mountain Dew until I drank about 3 in one study session in college.  I had no idea they had caffeine until that night.  Wow!  I still love the taste of lemon and lime together, and that is the idea with these moist and beautiful creations!

Finally, How Does She shared an amazing candy themed birthday party.  The details are astounding!  Just when I think I've seen every theme adn idea there is for parties, the creative minds in the blogging world blow me away.  Be sure to check this out!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I actually have that sorbet lime recipe printed out to make and all of the ingredients! Saw it on Taste of Home, can't wait to make it! I wanted to let you know about my cookbook giveaway that is going on right now until July 16th. Stop on by to enter! Hope you are having a great week :)

  2. Thanks for showcasing my grilled peaches! Funny story about them. My dad saw the picture on my blog and got aggravated because he thought I made peaches that day and didn't give him any. That's how good they are. Little did he know that picture is old.

    I know what you mean about the Mountain Dew. There was a brand of root beer I drank like that once. Some root beers are caffeine free, so I just assumed they all were. Apparently not. Still love it, but I check the bottle if I'm drinking it at night.
