Sunday, July 24, 2011

Camp Compass Craft Week

During the week of July 18th, I was overseeing the crafts for our 5th and 6th graders at our church VBS called Camp Compass. 

I had 2 crafts to prep and teach for about 90 students.  God sent me an amazing group of volunteers, and I enjoyed EVERY moment of serving!

On Monday, the electricity went out about 20 minutes before our kids arrived (about 5 minutes after I took these pictures).  We are in a wherehouse room with no windows, so we pulled all 10 round tables into the dim light of the doorway and got a few emergency lanterns. 

If you can believe it, 90 kids plaster casted their feet in close quarters, with almost no light!  We were even using iphone flashlight apps to help us see all the materials.

God is good!  My volunteers didn't even flinch in the "hiccup" and just moved forward with joy! 

We also made a velcro ball catch game that had to be restrung as the glue we bought didn't dry.  Again, my volunteers just smiled and jumped into action! 

Enjoy the pics!  It was a beach themed week--we live about 15 minutes from the real deal, but the beach is always a fun theme!  I had to dig back into my "teacher decorating the room" talents!

God was glorified!

A sandcast plaster foot example

We needed a screen near the door to block our work area and streamline the kids into the room.  We tied rattan beach mats together and made a very cheap and really workable "screen"!

Each door leads to a little workroom/office where we stored supplies for the week!

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