Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Women in the Word Wednesday: Almost a Christian: 6-28-11

          Almost a Christian - Part 4 06-24
I was going to share my testimony on today's post, but I don't have the time this week to give it the thought and care it should have.  I want to share it with you all soon!  However, I wanted to share some amazing sermons with you this week. 

Part of my testimony was realizing that I wasn't a Christian until I was 21, despite growing up in a Evangelical Christian home, attending church and youth group regularly, participating in AWANA, going on missions trips to build houses and teach the poor children Bible lessons in Spanish, singing on stage at church, and being a relatively "good"/straight A, upstanding kid. 

A lot of us who grow up in Christian homes and are people pleasers/good kids, don't see huge flashing signs of not being saved.  It is difficult to understand our sin and need for a Savior when others tell us we are saved (usually because we said a prayer of acceptance at age 3-5--which isn't Biblical, by the way--more on that later), we see evidence of doing the "right thing" at school and at home, and we know all the Biblical answers.

However, it takes repentance and understanding of our wretchedness before a holy God to understand the right gospel.  We also need to fully submit and give our lives to God, while trusting Christ's work on the cross paid for our sin completely.  We should be living for Him, not ourselves.  For me, it took a liberal college, sinful habits and some time for God to reveal Christ wasn't really my Savior. 

Just believing God is full of love and grace is only part of the picture.  We also need to understand His holiness, our sin, and our eternal judgement.  Then, we can appreciate the love and grace of the cross. 

If you grew up in a Christian home, but you find patterns of ongoing sin, hardness of heart to wanting to change sinful habits, or just no desire to have a flourishing relationship with Christ each day, listen to these sermons below. Even if you don't notice these issues, listen to these sermons, as they are life changing!  They will help you in future discussions with others.

They are called, Almost a Christian, and my pastor does a great job of illustrating how even a churched non-Christian can have conviction and moments where God works in their lives.  He calls churched non-Christians "daters of Christ" (no full commitment) and Christians "married to Christ."  This is a great analogy for any of you gals out there who, like me, might have had a guy or two dating you in your 20's but who wouldn't fully submit to the idea of marriage and had some commitment issues.  We know there is a BIG difference!

Anyway, the listen is free, and you can listen while you type or work or do chores.  Whatever you do, take a listen! 

Pastor Mike Fabarez, Compass Bible Church in Aliso Viejo, California.  You can listen to most of his sermons on Focal Point Radio Ministry.

Almost a Christian, Parts 1-4 (You can see the whole list, while each is a separate link on this page).
Amost a Christian Part 1:  Watching Out for the Pacifying Benefits of Dating Christ
Almost a Christian Part 2:  Taking a Closer Look at Spiritual Defection
Almost a Christian Part 3: Examining the difference that really matters
Almost a Christian Part 4:  Making Absolutely Sure we Don't Miss it

1 comment:

  1. My favorite series! He lays it out so clearly, and try as often as possible to pass them on. Love this post!
