Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ruffle Flower from a Work Shirt

Ryan came home a couple of months ago with a huge tear in the arm of  one of his work shirts.  It was going against the grain of the fabric, and there was no mending it without him looking obviously "mended" at work.  I plucked the shirt out of the trash and put it in my cloth pile for crafting.

I finally had time to try a ruffle flower from the shirt, and I love it!  The more masculine fabric of a work shirt is softened by large, ruffles and summery colors.  I left the fabric unhemmed, so it is frayed and fabulously shabby.  A simple white button (not off the work shirt, but it easily could have been), centers the flower.

Enjoy the pictures and the tutorial.

The torn work shirt

I hand stitched loose stitches along one long edge and pulled the thread to "ruffle the strip of fabric".  I then wound it into a circle (some of the strip overlapped a little).

Then I puckered the middle in and stitched all the ruffles together to close the center

I cut out 2 tan felt circles and one cardboard circle to place in the middle of the felt with hot glue.

I then hot glued a pin to the back of the felt

The felt was then glued to the back of the ruffle flower

I added a white button to the middle with hot glue

From working 9-5 to a beautiful, feminine flower pin!


  1. Adorable! I love it! I'm now wishing I'd kept Jeremy's old shirts that we donated.

  2. I love it!! And it looks so great on!!
