Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July in the Eastern Sierras

We went up to June Lake for a 4 day weekend.  It was so fun and gorgeous!  I love the eastern Sierras.

The 4th of July was spent in the town of Bridgeport, CA.  It is a small town America stop with lots of gold rush history, and my uncle lives there.  It has a western charm and is still full of cowboy hats, fishermen and historic buildings--it is far different from Orange County!  We had a mainstreet parade, along with a watermelon eating contest (Carter almost won for the 5 year olds!), a greased pole climbing contest for the kids (my nephew almost got the prize money at the top), snow cones at the Jolly Cone, a bbq and hours of fireworks both on the lawn and the show over the nearby reservoir. 

While at June Mountain, we hiked, the boys fished, we visited the lake, we relaxed, and life was deliciously slow.  Enjoy the pictures!

Enjoying the beach at June Lake

Hiking--the boys did really well!

Micah's first visit to SNOW!  He liked to throw it.

I married a Spartan who found his way to California

Grandpa and Carter at the top of the ski lift at June Mountain

My sister's sweet kiddos ready for the 4th of July parade!

Some of my cousins' kids--cuties

Grace, my niece, and Micah are ready for the parade

The only pic I got of me on the 4th . . . Ryan and I enjoying the parade

Love this little guy!

Love both these boys!


Church in Bridgeport

We found a park!

All the activities on the 4th happen on the Court House lawn.

1 comment:

  1. That was a great trip! Clearly I need to be taking some more pictures with you in them...
