Thursday, June 9, 2011

Friday Favorites, June 10th, 2011

Howdy, friends!  Another week has flown by--whoooooosh!  This time of year always seems busy due to school ending, graduations, Father's Day, family birthdays and vacation planning.  This July, we are heading up to Mammoth Mountain/June Mountain area for a mini vacation around the 4th of July.  I have family in Bridgeport, CA, where they have a truly traditional 4th of July--greased pig chase, greased pole climbing contest (lots of grease, I guess), a main street parade, bbq, and fireworks.  It is always a ton of fun!  July is busy!  I'm leading the 5th and 6th grade crafts for VBS at my church (about 110 kids at that age level), and I'm teaching on the topic of prayer at Women's Bible Study in July (the week prior to the VBS).  Oh, and we leave for a trip to Ohio for 10 days the day after VBS is over.  No worries--I'm a planner, and I'm starting to prepare for it all now!  God is good, and he'll give me the endurance I need.  Whew!

What fun events are you doing in July?  I'd love to hear!

Okay, let's get started on some fun projects being shared in blogland!  Our theme for most of the posts is "summer", because it is here already!

Very Best Baking shared the idea of cookie cups.  This takes Pazookies (my BJ's friends) to a whole new level!  This is easy--buy the PREMADE chocolate chip cookies that come in dough squares.  Mush two squares together into a muffin cup and bake.  Fill it with your favorite goodies.  Of course I'd choose the ice cream or Rocky Road toppings ideas over the yogurt and fruit.  That is why I am constantly tossing sugar out of my house--I'll eat it. Go read the blog to get the cooking times and to grab the filler ideas.
Make it Your Way Cookie Cups

I have a lot of friends having babies this summer.  My Own Road shared a creative idea--a hospital survival kit to give to new mommies you go visit.  She shared the printables that she used too--so awesome!

Nothing But Country created the CUTEST teacher thank you gift.  She calls it "Thanks a Latte!"  What a clever lady!  I know a teacher can never have too many Starbucks gift cards.  Now that I'm a stay at home mom, I miss having a stash of cards to fund my treats.  She also gives you a printable to use and a cheaper thank you gift for those teachers you might not have had all year, but you want to recognize.

While He Was Napping gave us a few, fun summer activity printables for those road trips you might take or those days when you hear, "I'm Bored!"  I love the pictures on the road trip treasure hunt--my 5 year old will love this on our six to seven hour drive to June Mountain.  Let's just pray my 2 year old naps a lot.  She has several printables for free!  What a nice idea to share!
Road Trip Hunt 3

Remarkable Home also shared a fun summer activity idea.  She premade a board with a summer idea list for her kids.  When they have a free day, they can go see which activities sound fun and do them.  I love the organization and the fact she already brainstormed some great ideas!

B. Cheniful made a knockoff of the CUTEST casual necklace for summer.  It is a REALLY, TRULY easy project and would look cute with any t-shirt, tank or casual sundress.  The best part is, you can choose whatever colors you want for your necklace. 

My ever helpful relative, Amy, sent this ladybug party my way--SOOOOOO cute!  Bee in Our Bonnet shares all the details of this party with us.  If I ever have a girl, I am doing this theme and I am copying all these cute ideas.  Love.

Gluesticks wrote a post with some scrumptious looking berry recipes.  One of the highlights of summer is that berries are in season.  Hmmmmmm.  I can't wait to make one of these recipes!

Speaking of berries, I'll end with a recipe from the ever fabulous Pioneer Woman.  My friend, Erin, shared this recipe on Facebook.  At first I thought that a chicken salad with corn AND blueberries sounded odd, but now I can't stop thinking about it.  I know, I know . . . never doubt the Pioneer Woman.  I have yet to dislike any recipe of hers that I have made.  This is a summer recipe I'm going to make SOON!


  1. Great 'summer' ideas!! And your 4th of July celebration sounds so fun!! We have a family reunion (my dad's side) in July! Sounds like you have a great summer ahead!

  2. You're right. Never doubt the Pioneer Woman. That chicken salad is delicious. In fact, we were still talking about it at dinner tonight. Great finds, girl! I really like that necklace.

  3. Thank you so much for the feature! I appreciate it! So far, its our first day of summer and we have one thing checked off the list! I am going to try my best to get to ALL of them!

  4. I was drooling over PW's chicken salad the other day too. :)

  5. this is sooo crazy--I was searching for owl themed baby showers and happened upon your blog. I start looking around and I find myself! AWESOME! Thank you so much for featuring my necklace! :)
